Friday, December 7, 2018

December 2018 - Harriman Yurt Campout

To keep tradition alive Eleanor was willing to invite some friends up to Harriman for our December campout. 
the Three Amigas

Her friends and their Dad's helped us make some delicious Ravioli with Parma Rosa for dinner. 
S'mores for dessert

We again attempted to dominate medieval France in a game of Carcassonne before turning in for the night. 

Dominating the Countryside
The next morning after a scrambled egg hash breakfast we went for an exhilarating ski along Millionaire's bend of the Snake River. 
Breaking our Fast
The ski bandit
Nearly all accounted for...

Good times were had by all.

Friday, November 16, 2018

November 2018 - Twin Bridges / Christmas Tree Campout

Eleanor and I set out to find a camping spot near our favorite Christmas tree spot.  However, the Table Rock Campground and Kelly Island Campgrounds were both closed for the season so we circled back to Twin Bridges to setup a late camp. 
Candlelight Fajitas

We had Fajita's for dinner and then hunkered down to sleep through a cold night in our warm Hilleberg Tent. 
Mythbusters Keeps us Occupied
Hilleberg Keeps you Toasty when its Frosty

The next morning we shook off the frost and made some hot cereal before heading back to Moody Creek to get our Christmas trees...
Christmas Tree Hunter
Ellie making snowballs to pelt the selfie

Friday, September 14, 2018

September 2018 - Buffalo River Canoe Trip

In September we joined the Rose family again, this time for a camp along the banks of the Buffalo River in Island Park, and a float from the headwaters the following morning. 
Buffalo River Campground
We enjoyed a classic "tinfoil dinner".

Eleanor and I hammocked that night without any rain to wake us, and enjoyed a hot cereal breakfast before heading upriver to begin our float. 
Hammock View
Ellie's Perch
My Shoulder Angel

The upper stretches of the river were like an Olympic slalom course, and the widened to a beautiful float before turning into a quarter mile slog through shallow water. 
Putting in
Canoe Pro
Obstacle Course

Downriver we got back on course and pulled out back at our campsite.

Friday, August 17, 2018

August 2018 - Harriman Bikepacking Trip

Harriman State Park recently made it's "Backcountry Yurt" available for camping during the summertime and we decided to use it as a base for a bikepacking trip. 
Roughing it
Eleanor's friends joined us on our trip. 
Rose family helping with dinner prep

With the "bob" trailer loaded up and packs on backs we made the easy trip into the Yurt and setup for a wonderful dinner of Beef Stroganoff. 
Good Eats
Winner Dinner

After making a trip down to the creek to filter water for the rest of our stay we played a game of "Carcasonne" before hitting the sack. 
Fetching Water
Medieval Fiefdoms Arise
How 'bout them waffles...

The next morning we enjoyed waffles, complete with berries and whipped cream. 

More Good Eats
Breakfast of Champions

Then we packed up and rode back on the single track trail to our cars and civilization.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 2018 - Warm Springs Girls Camp

Our July campout was a co-op with Stephanie and the Rexburg 6th Ward Young Women. 
Warm Springs Cabin Camping

With Stephanie as Camp Director, Jeff came along as hired muscle and enjoyed time with Eleanor
leading the "Flower Walk",
Marsh Cinquefoil
"Square is Spruce, Flat is Fir, Pines in Pairs"

keeping the bears away on the hike,
Ellie's Mandarb

helping with campfire stories,
Using the "Think System"
and songs...
Take me home, country roads...
and making sure the water flowed.
Running (filtered) water

Friday, June 22, 2018

June 2018 - Wade Lake Campout

Eleanor and I headed up to Wade Lake in Montana.
Montana, Give My Child a Home...
Rocks were skipped...
Hammocks were hung
The beautiful blue lake was glassy calm on our arrival, and we setup our hammock anticipating an idyllic night.
Blue Skies, nothing but blue skies...

Dinner was dutch oven pizzas, followed by a nature hike up to the ridge between Wade and Cliff lakes.
Chef Eleanor
An Erratic
Nature Walk
Cliff Lake Overlook
Eleanor Finds a Friend
Midway through the night a cloudburst wakened one of us and so a tent was quickly pitched and a sleepwalking Eleanor and her gear were stowed before getting too wet.
Any Port in a Storm...
Our Favorite Breakfast
The next morning we had "Christmas Morning" hash for breakfast. Then after packing up camp we took a canoe to the end of Wade Lake to explore the outflow spring beyond the natural dam at the north end of the Lake.
Storm's a brewin'
Wade Lake Terminus

After fighting the wind on our way up, it was an easier paddle back to the docks, followed by our scenic drive home.