Friday, February 16, 2018

February 2018 - Green Canyon Hot Springs

February is a great month to bring along a one pot Dutch Oven meal, start some coals and let dinner cook while soaking in the hot pool.  And such it was for us.  A local Boy Scout troop had taken our designated campsite, but we quickly adjusted to a new spot and got our tent up while the charcoal heated up.  After a nice dip in the hot water at Green Canyon, we brought our dinner inside for a wonderful meal: Sausage Bomb, potatoes and (not quite) Summer Squash.

That a Bacon Bob-omb!

After a night of light snowfall we awoke to a much quieter campground.  The boy scouts had broken camp at dawn.  Our Hilleberg tent kept us cozy, and Ellie had no trouble sleeping through the departure of our neighbors.  
The Hilleberg Winter Cocoon

We had a delicious breakfast of Huevos Rancheros before striking camp and heading home.
Chef Eleanor in her kitchen
Happy Campers