Saturday, December 14, 2019

December 2019 - Harriman Yurts

Another year, and another ski trip to Harriman.

The weather was beautiful on arrival and we enjoyed a meal of Alton Brown's Mac 'n' Cheese

Mac n Cheese and Vegan Sausage
Common Camping activity said no Boy Scout ever...
before whiling away the night playing Tortuga, braiding hair and then listening to the traditional Jack London short story - To Build a Fire.

Sleeping Beauty; no handsome princes allowed.
Overnight snow cleared while Charlotte sleeps on
The next morning the girls slept in for a bit and then we had a nice breakfast of Steel-cut Oats before heading out on a ski.

The only disappointment of the day was when we found that we'd mismatched Sadie's boots and skis.  They gamely joined us hiking behind our skis for a bit, while the rest of us kicked a trail to the Railroad Ranch and back by way of the informational signs designed and illustrated by Katherine's grandfather.

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 2019 - Green Canyon Hot Springs

November was still chilly, but some of the October snows had melted off and left us with some bare ground to pitch a tent at the Green Canyon Hot Springs campground.

Sadie's Hair is literally freezing...
We enjoyed a swim in the hot pools before returning to cook fajitas and brownies for dinner and dessert.  The fajitas are a perennial favorite, and the dutch oven Ghirardelli brownies were probably the best dessert I'd had on a campout - ever.

Best Brownies. Ever.

We retired to our tents for the night, while the leaders of the Boy Scout troop next to us tried unsuccessfully to quiet their boys after the curfew.

Morning brought much needed sunshine to burn off the frost and dry out tents as we made crepes for breakfast. 

Camping Crepes taste better

We kept ourselves warm with a brazier of charcoal beneath the table - much appreciated by all.  Unfortunately the Nutella remained frozen...

Toasty Toes

Chipping off a block of frozen Nutella

Charlotte and I then worked our way over hill and dale to the Long Hollow Road to pick up Christmas trees for home and the cabin before driving the rest of the way home.

Grandpa's Shadow takes our picture

Friday, October 25, 2019

October 2019 - Bishop Mountain

October in Idaho - snow!

When the snow started coming down the week prior to our campout I started to get a little nervous about whether or not we'd be able to make it up to the Bishop Mountain Lookout cabin.  I made a quick trip up the road earlier in the week to check things out and was reassured that the road was still passable.

Sadie takes a whack at it...
The Camerons, Katherine, Charlotte and I headed up in the Land Cruiser earlier in the afternoon, trusting that David would be able to follow us in later that early evening.  We arrived in time to setup a tent for Charlotte and me in the daylight and get some much needed wood chopping practice in - this turned out to be the girls' favorite activity!

Twilight brought beautiful views of Harriman State Park and greater Island Park below us.


Dinner was a Katherine request - hot dogs (and Bratwurst), after which we played "Salem".

She's a Witch!
Our night's sleep was briefly interrupted when a poorly placed bread bag began melting on the wood stove and set off the cabin's smoke alarm.  Crisis averted we returned to sleep.

David and Katherine returned home early for other obligations while the rest of us remained to make breakfast muffins and then pack up and clean up before heading home.  We made it out as the snow continued to fall...

Breakfast Muffins

Friday, September 27, 2019

September 2019 - Cave Falls

For our September campout we headed up to the Cave Falls Campground on the last weekend it was open for the season.  It'd rained off and on in the week leading up to the campout and the road in was riddled with water filled potholes.  When we arrived at the campground we found ourselves entirely alone with clearing skies.  We setup our tents: Charlotte and I on the ground and Eric and Sadie on their camp trailer.

Dinner that night was dutch oven pizzas and ice cream made in Charlotte's ice cream mixer ball.  We settled down to sleep after time around the campfire, with the rippling sounds of the Fall River to send us off to La La Land.

Discussing the finer points of Ice Cream ingredients
Playing around making Ice Cream
Dutch Oven Pizza Prep
I Scream for Ice Cream!

The next morning we made wonderful waffles on the Cameron's camp stove with the help of our GSI waffle iron - delicious!  We did our best to shelter from the drizzling rain beneath the trailer canopy.

Morning has broken
Waffles Baking
Waffles disappearing

After packing the tents we made our way to the Cave Falls trailhead and walked up to the overlook and then down to the falls.  The rain briefly turned to sleet as we scrambled over the rocks around the falls.  Alas, the cave has mostly collapsed, and Charlotte has no memories of the one trip we'd made there before the ceiling caved in.

We enjoyed the heat inside the Cameron's Toyota as we cruised home.

Friday, August 30, 2019

August 2019 - Cliff Lake

For our August campout Charlotte's friend Sadie and her dad Eric joined us on a canoeing trip to the Lost Mine Canyon fork of Cliff Lake.  We started out at the put in at Horn Creek, made accessible by the nice folks at the Wilderness Edge.

Cliff Lake is a natural glacier lake - part of what is termed the “chain of lakes” beginning with the highest, Hidden Lake, then continuing down to Goose, Otter, Cliff and Wade lakes.  Our plan was to paddle up the Horn Creek arm across and down the Lost Mine arm to a campsite and then make our way the next day up past Otter and Goose Lakes to the rope swing at Hidden Lake.

Dinner that night was a luxurious dish of Butter Chicken and rice.

Breakfast was a German scrambled egg hash that we call "Christmas Morning", as this is when we traditionally make the dish.  We'd cracked the eggs and then frozen and vacuum sealed them before heading out.  They held up beautifully and in fact were still frozen that morning!

On our way up to Hidden Lake we passed a couple of groups of hikers coming down and going up, but for the most part enjoyed the solitude.

Lucky Horseshoe!
Spotting Eagles over Otter Lake
The hike was capped by fun on the rope swing - some were more adventurous than others...

Hidden Lake

We had a pleasant canoe back to the dock, with mild winds and minimally tired arms at the end of the journey.