Friday, June 14, 2019

June 2019 - ODD Squad Returns! (May Family Ranch)

After a brief hiatus Eleanor passed the torch to Charlotte to begin our next season of the ODD Squad.  Charlotte and I joined the Rexburg 6th Ward youth group (including Oliver and Eleanor) on their multi-day activity at the May Ranch on the Salmon River.

Moonlight at the May Ranch
Of course while there, Charlotte and I pitched a tent and began our monthly campouts.  With warm weather and a mowed lawn to accommodate us it was no real hardship.

On Friday we went upstream to the Yankee Fork Dredge and then on up to Custer - part of the Land of Yankee Fork State Park.
There's gold in them thar hills!
We toured the old boom town buildings and tried our hand at panning for gold - without much luck.

That afternoon we returned to the May Family Ranch where the kids enjoyed outdoor play including a monster slip-n-slide.