Friday, September 27, 2019

September 2019 - Cave Falls

For our September campout we headed up to the Cave Falls Campground on the last weekend it was open for the season.  It'd rained off and on in the week leading up to the campout and the road in was riddled with water filled potholes.  When we arrived at the campground we found ourselves entirely alone with clearing skies.  We setup our tents: Charlotte and I on the ground and Eric and Sadie on their camp trailer.

Dinner that night was dutch oven pizzas and ice cream made in Charlotte's ice cream mixer ball.  We settled down to sleep after time around the campfire, with the rippling sounds of the Fall River to send us off to La La Land.

Discussing the finer points of Ice Cream ingredients
Playing around making Ice Cream
Dutch Oven Pizza Prep
I Scream for Ice Cream!

The next morning we made wonderful waffles on the Cameron's camp stove with the help of our GSI waffle iron - delicious!  We did our best to shelter from the drizzling rain beneath the trailer canopy.

Morning has broken
Waffles Baking
Waffles disappearing

After packing the tents we made our way to the Cave Falls trailhead and walked up to the overlook and then down to the falls.  The rain briefly turned to sleet as we scrambled over the rocks around the falls.  Alas, the cave has mostly collapsed, and Charlotte has no memories of the one trip we'd made there before the ceiling caved in.

We enjoyed the heat inside the Cameron's Toyota as we cruised home.