Friday, October 25, 2019

October 2019 - Bishop Mountain

October in Idaho - snow!

When the snow started coming down the week prior to our campout I started to get a little nervous about whether or not we'd be able to make it up to the Bishop Mountain Lookout cabin.  I made a quick trip up the road earlier in the week to check things out and was reassured that the road was still passable.

Sadie takes a whack at it...
The Camerons, Katherine, Charlotte and I headed up in the Land Cruiser earlier in the afternoon, trusting that David would be able to follow us in later that early evening.  We arrived in time to setup a tent for Charlotte and me in the daylight and get some much needed wood chopping practice in - this turned out to be the girls' favorite activity!

Twilight brought beautiful views of Harriman State Park and greater Island Park below us.


Dinner was a Katherine request - hot dogs (and Bratwurst), after which we played "Salem".

She's a Witch!
Our night's sleep was briefly interrupted when a poorly placed bread bag began melting on the wood stove and set off the cabin's smoke alarm.  Crisis averted we returned to sleep.

David and Katherine returned home early for other obligations while the rest of us remained to make breakfast muffins and then pack up and clean up before heading home.  We made it out as the snow continued to fall...

Breakfast Muffins