Friday, November 22, 2019

November 2019 - Green Canyon Hot Springs

November was still chilly, but some of the October snows had melted off and left us with some bare ground to pitch a tent at the Green Canyon Hot Springs campground.

Sadie's Hair is literally freezing...
We enjoyed a swim in the hot pools before returning to cook fajitas and brownies for dinner and dessert.  The fajitas are a perennial favorite, and the dutch oven Ghirardelli brownies were probably the best dessert I'd had on a campout - ever.

Best Brownies. Ever.

We retired to our tents for the night, while the leaders of the Boy Scout troop next to us tried unsuccessfully to quiet their boys after the curfew.

Morning brought much needed sunshine to burn off the frost and dry out tents as we made crepes for breakfast. 

Camping Crepes taste better

We kept ourselves warm with a brazier of charcoal beneath the table - much appreciated by all.  Unfortunately the Nutella remained frozen...

Toasty Toes

Chipping off a block of frozen Nutella

Charlotte and I then worked our way over hill and dale to the Long Hollow Road to pick up Christmas trees for home and the cabin before driving the rest of the way home.

Grandpa's Shadow takes our picture