Saturday, December 14, 2019

December 2019 - Harriman Yurts

Another year, and another ski trip to Harriman.

The weather was beautiful on arrival and we enjoyed a meal of Alton Brown's Mac 'n' Cheese

Mac n Cheese and Vegan Sausage
Common Camping activity said no Boy Scout ever...
before whiling away the night playing Tortuga, braiding hair and then listening to the traditional Jack London short story - To Build a Fire.

Sleeping Beauty; no handsome princes allowed.
Overnight snow cleared while Charlotte sleeps on
The next morning the girls slept in for a bit and then we had a nice breakfast of Steel-cut Oats before heading out on a ski.

The only disappointment of the day was when we found that we'd mismatched Sadie's boots and skis.  They gamely joined us hiking behind our skis for a bit, while the rest of us kicked a trail to the Railroad Ranch and back by way of the informational signs designed and illustrated by Katherine's grandfather.