Friday, February 21, 2020

February 2020 - Kelly Mountain Ski Hut

Our February campout was a ski trek to the ski hut above Kelly Canyon maintained by our friends at the IF Ski Club.

We got away as quick as we could, and began up the trail with a beautiful sunset behind us.

SkiPulk to the rescue!
Venus lights our way
Charlotte beneath the Big Dipper
After stopping for a quick bathroom break at the Y-junction (halfway point), we continued onward to the ski hut by the light of Venus and the stars.

Resting time
Once there we got a fire started and dinner of "African stew" started on the stove and then setup the tents for David and Katherine, Charlotte and me.

Finding the pit toilet was a bit of a challenge in the deep snow, but fortunately digging down to the commode left privacy walls that we usually don't get to enjoy.

We ate our dinner while watching "Cool Runnings" projected on the back of the tent wall, then settled into our cozy tents through the cold night (temps dipping to 0F).

Charlotte stays warm in her Nemo Bag
Charlotte emerges
Our motley crew
Peace be the journey
The next morning dawned bright and clear and we enjoyed a breakfast of hot cereals and hot chocolate before packing up and heading back down the mountain in half the time it took us to go up the night before.