Friday, March 20, 2020

March 2020 - Teton Canyon

An overcast start to the day
Due to the coronovirus precautions we were able to get away from home a bit quicker than usual.  We started up the trail at Teton Canyon in mid-afternoon and made our way to the half way point at Reunion Flats in good time. 

Time for a rest
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil
By then the skies were clearing and we enjoyed some sunshine as we arrived at the Yurt at the Teton Canyon trailheads.

Blue skies
Conditions were practically perfect for igloo construction and we all worked together to get igloo up in around 2 hours - record time!

Building a Firm Foundation

Getting tight...
Home Sweet Home
Plenty of Room in the Inn
We added a string to hang the candle lantern, and the girls added a stovepipe of sorts to match it's larger sibling.

Dinner was Caesar Salad, angel hair pasta, and dessert of peach cobbler made in a stovetop dutch oven.

Charlotte the sharpshooter takes on all comers...
Entertainment was provided by the game Deadwood, where we all ended up in the final showdown, but Charlotte and her two extra pistols won the day!

All tucked in
The girls retired to their Igloo while the dads stayed in the Yurt.  All stayed cozy and warm through the night, while 3-4 inches of snow fell.

Snowed Inn
We awoke in the morning to the blanket of newly fallen snow and quickly had a delicious breakfast of French toast and Cream of Wheat to fuel our journey back down the canyon - and little did we know how important that would be!

Smiling faces before we tried to ski...
The newly fallen snow was just the right temperature and consistency to bind quickly and effectively to our ski bases so that the way out was more like snowshoeing than skiing.  Other than that inconvenience it was a wonderful winter weekend - in March!

Would you like to build a snowman?