Saturday, August 22, 2020

August 2020 - Alaska Basin Backpacking Trip

 For our August Campout we invited along a few extra friends, anticipating that we could spend a couple of nights back in the high country of the Tetons.  We began the adventure on the 20th and worked our way up the south fork of Teton Canyon up to Alaska Basin where we setup our basecamp.

Smiling faces before the journey begins

Still smiling

Fewer smiles after miles
Camp is set

Dusk looking into the west

On day two we made breakfast and then headed up to the shelf overlooking Avalanche Canyon before returning back to the tarns for a brisk swim....

Prepping for breakfast

Waffles anyone?

Ready to head for the high hills

One does not simply walk into Mordor...

You've got to take a break first.


Teton Views

Alpine Siesta

Tairn Dipping
Dinner discussion

The Eye is always searching...

Our final day was spent retracing our steps back down the canyon...

Country roads take me home

Looking to the shelf beneath the Wedge