Friday, June 19, 2020

June 2020 - Harriman Bikepacking and Horseback Riding

We did eventually get the Swaggon down and bikes loaded and packs loaded for the campout, just in time.

Unfortunately we found at the Pulsipher’s that some of the bike racks had been shifted on the Swaggon in such a way as to make them non-functional.  We spent another half hour taking the bike holders off and readjusting them, and then again fixing one of the bike seats before we were eventually on the road.  

Ready to Ride
Never fear - being one of the longest days of the year meant plenty of daylight as we arrived, unloaded the bikes, geared up and got the trailer hitched onto my bike and then literally on the trail to the Becker (Backcountry) Yurt.  We opted to go out via the ranch road so as to minimize any cycling anxieties.  The major issue on the trip was traversing the gates in and out of the pasture area where cows were soon to make their home for the season.  The road was minimally muddy and easily traveled.  I think the girls arrived after our 20 minute ride surprised at their own speed!

Light My Fire
The Pulsipher’s took charge of dinner and prepared one of my personal favorites, Tortellini with a Tomato Cream sauce, plus peas for good measure!  We enjoyed the provision of the stove on site, and brought in the rest of our cooking gear on the BOB trailer.

Charlotte had opted to bring the dessert for this campout and so planned on cupcakes.  We found a great little Dutch Oven recipe and did the prep work of preparing the wet ingredients and the Cream Cheese frosting (including putting it in a FoodSaver bag for later piping) the night before.  The end result of our labors were almost perfectly cooked cupcakes.  Everyone enjoyed frosting their own and savoring the fruits of their labors.

Sweet Cuppin' Cakes!
On their way to Thurman Creek to replenish their water supplies the girls also picked a handful of wildflowers for our table - a lovely addition to the ambience of our repast!

It's all about the presentation
After dinner we spent time leisurely watching the sun lowering in the sky whilst the girls played Charlotte’s birthday “Harry Potter Headbandz” game.  This game literally went on for hours and resumed early the next morning…

Friend of Harry's?
The fathers spent a little time reviewing both the flora and the fauna.

Teton Alpenglow
David's Brother Brigham Moment
I've seen fire and I've seen rain...
Charlotte and I eventually bedded down in our hammocks hung on the porch and with the cooling of the evening and early morning our lines gently sagged to the point where I was literally touching bottom.  Shortly after first light we were up to adjust the hammocks and then the girls were off to watch the sunrise over a fog shrouded meadows at 5:42 AM.

A yellow sun rises...
The girls continued their Harry Headbandz marathon as Eric Cameron cooked up an excellent breakfast of burritos with sausage, chorizo, hash browns, chiles and eggs with a little Tapatío salsa for good measure.  

More quality time with Potter
One of the more entertaining moments of the morning was watching a small squirrel trying to figure out what to do with his find of a pair of forgotten “Fruit of the Looms”.

Around 9 AM we got all our gear stowed and the Yurt cleaned out so that we could make our way back to the horse stables.  We took the single track back and enjoyed the more scenic turns through the trees on our return.

Our Biker Gang
At the stables we were quickly paired up with our trusty steeds for the trail ride.  I ended up with a large draft size mare who was winded up every hill.  The wrangler behind me reassured me - “oh, she’s just out of shape”.  

Whoa hoss!
We worked our way up to the top of Thurman Ridge where the girls were regaled by a baby marmot who found his culinary delights feasting on the horse apples.  This show was truly mind-bending and the girls could not take their eyes off of it.    Eventually we saddled up again for the return trek down the mountain.  Everyone felt a bit bow-legged and a few saddle sore as we left our not-so-hard-chargers back in the corral.

Thurman Ridge Overlook

All in all a lovely couple of days in both types of saddles.

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